Hey BB-Baes!!!
I'm gonna start this with a warning you guys. This is about to be a thread of pretty graphic pictures of my stitches coming out and my cast being put on. So if you're fascinated about it like I am, this will be fun. However, if you're squeamish I would go ahead and not look at this one.
So just a quick look at my cute new cast before we get into the nitty gritty...
So I cannot explain to y'all how excited I was to get those bandages off and see these stitches. Let me show y'all that!
Yes, I know I'm super bruised. The price of being light-skinned....
I can't even believe all these cuts, I didn't even know these were all here. I also found out I had another big little friend in there. Check out this X-Ray!!!
People keep asking how it feels... respectfully, I don't have an answer for you. Stick a screw in your heel and find out.
So after they did the X-Ray to make sure everything is in place, it was cast time! Oh yeah and they had to remove the stitches first.
It's funny because while I was waiting for "the cast room" they had me sitting in a hallway. People were walking by kinda trying not to look, but faces tell everything. I didn't care though, I thought it was so cool I would've been happy to tell them more! Other crazy thing is how little control I have of my foot now. It had like a tremor when I tried to control it. I'm surprised they were able to get a clean X-Ray the way my foot was moving. I can tell PT after this is going to be a pretty long road.
1. Stitches out
(ouch, kinda)
2. Some padding
(Thank God)
3. Wrapping more padding
(Because that heel screw is crazy)
4. Wrapping the cute part
(They tried to act like they only had black and white. I had to give them the stop playing with me face through my mask.)
5. Showing her dipping the pink to activate and wrap
(This was actually cool to watch it go from flimsy and wet to hard as a rock)
6. Setting in place and waiting to dry
(So while it's getting hard, I felt it get super warm and then very tight. I have to say that the compression provides a lot of pain relief. I knew it was done hardening when the heat feeling went away.)